Service Registration and Service Discovery Extensions

Service Registration Extension

Hertz supports custom registration extensions, you can extend it to integrate other registries, which are defined under pkg/app/server/registry.

Interface and Info Definition

  • Interface Definition
// Registry is extension interface of service registry.
type Registry interface {
	Register(info *Info) error
	Deregister(info *Info) error
  • Info Definition
// Info is used for registry.
// The fields are just suggested, which is used depends on design.
type Info struct {
	ServiceName string
	Addr net.Addr
	Weight int
	// extend other infos with Tags.
	Tags map[string]string

Work with Hertz

  • Specify your own registration extensions and custom registration information via server.WithRegistry.
    h := server.Default(
    	server.WithRegistry(r, &registry.Info{
    		ServiceName: "hertz.test.demo",
    		Addr:        utils.NewNetAddr("tcp", addr),
    		Weight:      10,
    		Tags:        nil,

Service Discovery Extension

Interface Definition

Hertz supports custom discovery extensions, you can extend it to integrate other registries, which are defined under pkg/app/server/discovery.

type Resolver interface {
	// Target should return a description for the given target that is suitable for being a key for cache.
	Target(ctx context.Context, target *TargetInfo) string

	// Resolve returns a list of instances for the given description of a target.
	Resolve(ctx context.Context, desc string) (Result, error)

	// Name returns the name of the resolver.
	Name() string

type TargetInfo struct {
    Host string
    Tags map[string]string

type Result struct {
    CacheKey  string // Unique key for cache
    Instances []Instance // Service discovery result

Resolver is defined as follows:

  • Resolve: Core function of Resolver, get the service discovery Result we need from the target key.
  • Target: The unique target to be used by Resolve is resolved from the peer TargetInfo provided by Hertz, and this target is used as the unique key for the cache.
  • Name: This is used to specify a unique name for the Resolver, and is used by Hertz to cache and reuse the Resolver.

Work with Hertz

Specify custom service discovery extensions by using the Discovery middleware provided by Hertz.

    cli, err := client.NewClient()
    if err != nil {
    r := nacos_demo.NewNacosResolver()


  • We improve performance by reusing Resolver in a way that requires the Resolver method implementation to be concurrency-safe.

Load Balancing Extension

Hertz provides a WeightedRandom load balancing implementation by default, and also supports a custom load balancing implementation defined under pkg/app/client/loadbalance.

Interface Definition

    // Loadbalancer picks instance for the given service discovery result.
    type Loadbalancer interface {
        // Pick is used to select an instance according to discovery result
        Pick(discovery.Result) discovery.Instance

        // Rebalance is used to refresh the cache of load balance's information

        // Delete is used to delete the cache of load balance's information when it is expired

        // Name returns the name of the Loadbalancer.
        Name() string

Work with Hertz

By using the Discovery middleware provided by Hertz, custom service discovery extensions can be specified along with custom load balancing extensions using sd.WithLoadBalanceOptions.

    cli, err := client.NewClient()
    if err != nil {
    r := nacos_demo.NewNacosResolver()
    cli.Use(sd.Discovery(r, sd.WithLoadBalanceOptions(***,***)))

Last modified July 5, 2023 : Update (9938889)